Full Name
Harry Newstreet
Job Title
President & Owner
Harry C Newstreet & Associates
Speaker Bio
Mr. Newstreet is a Florida native who still resides in Boca Raton, Florida. He graduated from Florida State University in 1989 and began his appraisal career in 1992. Mr. Newstreet is the president and owner of Harry C. Newstreet & Associates, a real estate appraisal firm. He has been an adjunct professor at Florida Atlantic University.

Mr. Newstreet is considered a national expert in the valuation of outdoor advertising, having appraised a wide variety of outdoor advertising properties, including entire outdoor advertising plants, individual outdoor locations, and unique speciality properties, including One Times Square in New York. He has testified as an expert witness in numerous cases regarding outdoor advertising. His clients have included all of the major outdoor advertising companies, including Clear Channel Outdoor, Outfront Media, Lamar Advertising Company, Adams Outdoor, Reagan Outdoor, and Carter Signs.
Harry Newstreet